Standing with Israel
On God's Word

Defending God's covenant of land to Israel to the secular world while pointing them towards God's standard and offer of salvation

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Bringing the Gospel to the Jew first while standing on God's covenants


Confronting Muslims with the words of their Quran on the Jews and Jesus


Engaging Marxists with God's Word concerning Israel and their Savior.


Being Faithful Allies to the Jewish People

The world says we must be "allies" for whatever their agenda dictates in the moment. God says otherwise: and as Christians we should instead be allied around God's standard. He says Israel is still "beloved for the sake of the fathers" (Romans 11:28), and that those who "dishonor you [Israel] I will curse" (Gen. 12:8). God treats this seriously, and so should we. He even goes so far as to guarantee that He will "enter into judgement with [nations]... because they... have divided up my land [Israel]" (Joel 3:2). What God deems serious so ought we — so let's ally around God's promises towards Israel and against those who would wish her harm.

We at Peace For Zion seek to present the ultimate blessing — Jesus — to the "Jew first" (Romans 1:16), the Marxist who seeks Israel's slow destruction, and the Muslim who says "Why wait?" We owe it to the Jewish people, for from them came our Messiah, Jesus.

Obeying The Great Commission

Since we seek to care about what God cares about, as Christians we must also care for people's souls. This means that as we seek to build support for the Jewish people and their nation, we also seek to confront people with the truth of God's Word and how they can be grafted in to His plan of salvation.


Changing Hearts and Minds

Below are just a few instances of people's responses to hearing a Biblical case for Israel.

"Thank you for coming here. That took real guts."

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College Student

Washington State University

"So I agree with you, Israel does have a right to exist."

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College Student

University of Idaho

"How does your belief about Israel have anything to do with being a Christian?"

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College Student

Washington State University